Thursday, January 26, 2012

Pure and platonic love song

This beautifull love song tells about one love at first sight, pure and platonic, with a soul of poet spilled into the paper.

Just while you reading it, you can feel ti, right?

The poet, Predrag Živković Tozovac, is one of the greatest serbian folk-singers, also poet and musician.

I translated a poem into English, with keeping the original sense and with conveing feelings that the poet put into those verses.
In this link, you can hear how it looks like when it is reciting to the accompaniment of an accordion (The man who plays  the accordion is the poet of those verses and the recitor is one great serbian actor, Nenad Okanovic).


My lost bird – Mima
                                                                         Predrag Živković - Tozovac

When I met you for the very first time,
you were as runaway bird from someone's hand;
wild and scared at the same time,
neither his, nor yourself, nor mine ...

When I met you for the first time,
you were lost in one tavern in the province,
You walked wearily between tables while sun was rising;
neither yourself, nor his, nor mine ...

When I met you,
you were there from no reason, as my friends acquaintance,
when I met you then,
I was lost, neither your, neither her, nor my ...

I was just one little curious male bird lost in one early morning...
in the middle of the picked up taverna's chairs kingdom...

It was one ordinary morning,
it was one ordinary winter,
and you told me then, just ordinarily: "I am Mima ..."

You were laughing, and then, you went in one of yours sunrises,
and still, neither your, nor his, nor mine ...

I stayed there, to sit with some odd people,
between picked up pub chairs...
And... who knows what You thought of me then?!?
Maybe that I am the tippler, fool, or nothing...
and you never ever thinked that also I am a bird escaped from someone's hands,
from some life of exile ...

you left behind  in your shelter,
covered with hotels  blankets ...

I have met you,  a long time after that morning ...
and, and, again, it was the same ... 

Only it took place without your false friend and the tavern in the province.

It was by chance...
just us, just you and just me, alone, in a street,
two morning birds, birds on our hands ...

Friday, January 20, 2012


Pretty wierd, ha?

As I over reacting when I saw that wikipedia blacked its homepage, I beleive that all of you reacted same as I...

First off all, one question run through your mind – WHY is it blacked?
After that, you could felt scary and unsecured about your future (re)searchings via wikipedia.
Then, you started investigate yourself how actually you were (and you are) linked to wikipedia, and free taking off knowledge at all.
And finnally, the last feeling overtakes you – FEAR!
Why fear?
Because, you realized that you couldn’t just the smooth continue with your  all day works without all habits and gadgets you already used to!
You suddenlly getting some strange feel about curiosity about 999 things which you could checked on wikipedia, but, you know that you can’t do it, at least in next 24 hours...
Then, you felt in impatience and you just can’t wait untill tomorrow...
Yes, free knowledge become our drug! The drug of world wide masses!
After this algorythm review of yourself wiki-addicting and getting wery wierd negative results, you deffinitlly asked yourself, what the fu*k means the SOPA & PIPA!?!

Thus, SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (PROTECT IP Act (Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act of 2011), knowned as proposals of U.S.’s government in 2011. regarding to fight online trafficking in copyrighted intellectual property and counterfeit goods as well as a proposed law with the stated goal of giving the US government and copyright holders additional tools to curb access to "rogue websites dedicated to infringing or counterfeit goods", especially those registered outside the U.S, respectivelly.

As wikipedia mentioned yesterday, those two frases were the most common used words in the servere search engines at all the world!
Every single internet user on planet fliped up when realised that WIKIPEDIA was out off order, even just for 24 hours!

Why the U.S. gowernment wants to do something like this!?!
Why they want to take taxes from (so far) free knowledge?
Did you asked yourself sometimes:
-    How meny daily users have wikipedia?
-    How long they (wiki) have posted banner regarding asking for donating money to them?
-    Did enyone payed even few dollars?
-    As u.s. registred web site, after making „pay for knowledge“ system, even government will male a finansiall gain.
-    Althdough, they will take adventage and put monopolly against all other countries, ect.
...Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be...
Just first reaction of the wikipedia leading people was impresed me!
They could just saw to the world: „u.s. wants to start paying using of our servise and there is nothing we can do!“, after that, simply share the earned money between themselves and everybody happy!

But, noooooo!
They did a REAL DEAL! They made a right move, stayed consistent with their own ideas and to the company policy and give hope to humanity that money is not everything in life!
That reaction of them could be called: SLAP IN THE CAPITALISM FACE!

Only thing we can do is to declalre that we are against those new laws, at the way we could!
Wikipedia already describe the way of participating.

I am aware that all wikipedia employees are well paid and have all the accompanying regardless ne metter  the knowledge that they offer is for free!
They simply showed that they are not so easy and corrupted!
I hope that owners and wikpedia board directors will be strong enough to step up to U.S. government and, with help of users, i.e. US (not united states, but we) persist and become much more stronger, and, of course, forever FREE!